Make it possible to edit more than the last four inventories in "Area" view.

  • Planned


I am not fan of this update that allows me to only edit the last four inventories "By Area", or in the inventory "boxes" view.
I much prefer working in this view than the list view and often need to make corrections to inventories older than 4 days old when balancing my week.
Can you put it back the way it was so that any inventoy could be edited in the Area view, or at least extend the number of days that inventories can be edited to the last 7?


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WISK Product Team

Status changed to: Planned


WISK Product Team

Hello! To make sure the mobile app has the best performance possible, we only keep the four previous inventory counts in the device memory. Due to how the mobile app and the web sync with the database, this is why you can only edit those past four inventories on the web using that view. In the coming months we'll be adding an inventory locking system. You will have the option to unlock inventories and edit them in the way that you were used to.



That would be appreciated. We mostly use the desktop version of Wisk and not being able to edit previous inventories is a real inconvenience. We sometimes have to make corrections to an inventory that was input earlier in the week once we do our weekly reconciliation. The "area" view is a much easier and more convenient way to make these corrections. Also, sometimes the system only gives us the option to edit the last 3 inventories, we don't even get all 4.